Type of structure that keeps assembler search model.
typedef struct t_asmmodel { // Model to search for assembler command
char code[MAXCMDSIZE]; // Binary code
char mask[MAXCMDSIZE]; // Mask for binary code (0: bit ignored)
int length; // Length of code, bytes (0: empty)
int jmpsize; // Offset size if relative jump
int jmpoffset; // Offset relative to IP
int jmppos; // Position of jump offset in command
} t_asmmodel;
code - binary code of the command. Only bits that have 1's set in corresponding mask bits are significant;
mask - comparison mask. Search routine ignores all code bits where mask is set to 0;
length - length of code and mask, bytes. If length is 0, search model is empty or invalid;
jmpsize - if nonzero, command is a relative jump and jmpsize is a size of offset in bytes;
jmpoffset - if jmpsize is nonzero, jump offset relative to address of the following command, otherwise undefined;
jmppos - if jmpsize is nonzero, position of the first byte of the offset in code, otherwise undefined.
See also: Getasmfindmodel