
OllyDbg Plugin API


Extracts registers that are nback steps back in the run trace data (nback=0 means actual registers) and optionally registers on the previous step (so one can check for modifications). Optionally extracts original command and comment. Returns -1 of error, length of command if cmd!=NULL and original command is available and 0 if original command is absent. If record contains skipped sequence, returns 0 and sets cmd[0] to 0x01.

int Getruntraceregisters(int nback,t_reg *preg,t_reg *pold,char *cmd,char *comment);


nback - backward step in run trace buffer, 0 means actual step;

preg - pointer to t_reg structure that receives registers restored to the state after this command was executed;

pold - pointer to t_reg structure that receives registers restored to the state before this command was executed, can be NULL;

cmd - buffer at least MAXCMDSIZE bytes long that receives original command, or NULL. If record contains skipped sequence and cmd is not NULL, function sets cmd[0] to 0x01 and returns 0;

comment - buffer at least TEXTLEN bytes long that receives comment from the run trace buffer, can be NULL.

See also: Runtracesize, Findprevruntraceip, Findnextruntraceip