OllyDbg Plugin API


Custom message sent to table window when user presses right mouse button or shortcut Alt+F10. Window should create and fill pop-up menu and pass this message to Tablefunction with menu handle in parameter lp. Window can use identifiers from 1 to MENU_SORT-1 (0x27F) and from MENU_APPMAX+1 (0x300) to MENU_PLUGIN-1. It can pass NULL if only standard menus are required.

Tablefunction checks for attributes listed in t_table.mode and performs following actions:

Attribute Action
TABLE_COPYMENU If some line is selected, adds menu item "Copy". This attribute also adds processing of keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Ins
TABLE_SORTMENU Adds submenu "Sort by" with a list of all bar segments without BAR_NOSORT. To hide part of the segment title in menu, separate it with '$'
TABLE_APPMENU Adds submenu "Appearance" that includes bar, column, font and colour options
TABLE_WIDECOL When set simultaneously with TABLE_APPMENU, adds menu item "Wide columns", allowing to double default widths
TABLE_HILMENU When set simultaneously with TABLE_APPMENU, adds menu item "Highlighting", allowing to select one of code highlighting schemes
TABLE_ONTOP Adds menu item "Always on top" that allows to keep one MDI window always visible

On return from Tablefunction, window gets id of selected item. If selection is processed internally by Tablefunction, or when there is no selection, it gets 0. Window then must destroy all newly created menus, process selection and return to caller.

See also: Tablefunction