Thread functions

OllyDbg Plugin API

Thread functions

OllyDbg keeps list of active thread in a sorted data consisting of elements of type t_thread. You can receive pointer to table of threads by calling Plugingetvalue(VAL_THREADS) and casting result to (t_table *). If you know thread's identifier, Findthread will return pointer to thread descriptor. Plugingetvalue(VAL_MAINTHREADID) gives identifier of main thread of debugged process.

OllyDbg functions use thread identifiers, but some Windows functions require handles. Following code converts identifier to handle:

t_thread *pthread;

HANDLE hthread;


if (pthread!=NULL)




Note that after application started and before OllyDbg received CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT event, thread's handle is unknown.

t_thread* Findthread(ulong threadid);

int Decodethreadname(char *s,ulong threadid,int mode);

ulong Getcputhreadid(void);

HWND Createthreadwindow(void);