
OllyDbg Plugin API


Type of module descriptor. This is a very sensitive structure, do not modify directly!

typedef struct t_module { // Executable module descriptor

ulong base; // Base address of module

ulong size; // Size occupied by module

ulong type; // Service information, TY_xxx

ulong codebase; // Base address of module code block

ulong codesize; // Size of module code block

ulong resbase; // Base address of resources

ulong ressize; // Size of resources

t_stringtable *stringtable; // Pointers to string resources or NULL

int nstringtable; // Actual number of used stringtable

int maxstringtable; // Actual number of allocated stringtable

ulong entry; // Address of <ModuleEntryPoint> or NULL

ulong database; // Base address of module data block

ulong idatatable; // Base address of import data table

ulong idatabase; // Base address of import data block

ulong edatatable; // Base address of export data table

ulong edatasize; // Size of export data table

ulong reloctable; // Base address of relocation table

ulong relocsize; // Size of relocation table

char name[SHORTLEN]; // Short name of the module

char path[MAXPATH]; // Full name of the module

int nsect; // Number of sections in the module

IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *sect; // Copy of section headers from file

ulong headersize; // Total size of headers in executable

ulong fixupbase; // Base of image in executable file

int nfixup; // Number of fixups in executable

t_fixup *fixup; // Extracted fixups or NULL

char *codedec; // Decoded code features or NULL

ulong codecrc; // Code CRC for actual decoding

char *hittrace; // Hit tracing data or NULL

char *hittracecopy; // Copy of INT3-substituted code

char *datadec; // Decoded data features or NULL

t_table namelist; // List of module names

t_symvar *symvar; // Descriptions of symbolic variables

int nsymvar; // Actual number of elements in symvar

int maxsymvar; // Maximal number of elements in symvar

char *globaltypes; // Global types from debug info

ulong mainentry; // Address of WinMain() etc. in dbg data

ulong realsfxentry; // Entry of packed code or NULL

int updatenamelist; // Request to update namelist

ulong origcodesize; // Original size of module code block

ulong sfxbase; // Base of memory block with SFX

ulong sfxsize; // Size of memory block with SFX

int issystemdll; // Whether system DLL

int processed; // 0: not processed, 1: good, -1: bad

int dbghelpsym; // 1: symbols loaded by dbghelp.dll

char version[NVERS]; // Version of executable file

t_jdest *jddata; // Recognized jumps within the module

int njddata; // Number of recognized jumps

ulong reserved[15]; // Reserved for plugin compatibility

} t_module;

Members (members that intended stricly for internal use are not explained):

base - base address of module in the memory space of debugged process;

size - total size occupied by module, not necessarily contiguous memory;

type - service information, combination of bits TY_xxx;

codebase - base address of executable code, as stays in COFF header. In some cases, OllyDbg may correct definitely invalid code base;

codesize - size of executable code, as stays in COFF header. In some cases, OllyDbg may correct definitely invalid code size;

resbase - base address of resources;

ressize - size of resources;

entry - address of module's entry point, as stays in COFF header;

database - base address of module's data block. OllyDbg uses heuristics to locate data;

idatatable - base address of import data table, as stays in COFF header;

idatabase - base address of import data block, as stays in COFF header;

edatatable - base address of export data table, as stays in COFF header;

edatasize - size of export data table, as stays in COFF header;

reloctable - base address of relocation table, as stays in COFF header;

relocsize - size of relocation table, as stays in COFF header;

name - short name of the module, not necessarily NULL-terminated;

path - full name of executable file;

nsect - number of sections in the module;

sect - pointer to copy of section headers from the COFF header;

headersize - total size of headers in executable file;

fixupbase - base of image in executable file;

nfixup - number of fixups in executable file;

fixup - pointer to list of extracted fixups or NULL;

mainentry - address of WinMain or DllEntryPoint from debugging data or 0;

realsfxentry - real entry of unpacked SFX code or 0;

updatenamelist - request to update namelist;

issystemdll - 1 if module is system DLL (i.e. DLL residing in Windows' system directory) and 0 otherwise;

dbghelpsym - 1 if debugging information in one of Microsoft formats is available and 0 otherwise;

version - zero-terminated ASCII string containing version of executable file, NVERS-1 bytes long;

reserved - reserved for future use exclusively by OllyDbg.

See also: Findmodule, Findfileoffset