
OllyDbg Plugin API


Sets animation mode and, if requested in debug options, sets higher priority to debugged process. Notice that this function doesn't start stepping or animation, you must explicitely call Go afterwards. Improper use of Animate may bring OllyDbg in unstable state. For simple tasks, consider use of Sendshortcut.

void Animate(int animation);


animation - animation mode:

ANIMATE_OFF No animation
ANIMATE_IN Animate into
ANIMATE_OVER Animate over
ANIMATE_RET Execute till RET
ANIMATE_SKPRET Execute till RET, then skip RET instruction
ANIMATE_USER Execute till user code
ANIMATE_TRIN Run trace in
ANIMATE_TROVER Run trace over
ANIMATE_STOP Gracefully stop animation

See also: OpenEXEfile, Go, Suspendprocess, Runsinglethread, Restoreallthreads