Updates state of panes in CPU window. If necessary, creates or restores CPU window and moves it to top.
void Setcpu(ulong threadid,ulong asmaddr,ulong dumpaddr,ulong stackaddr,int mode);
threadid - identified of thread to display in CPU, or 0 if thread remains unchanged. If threadid id non-zero, parameters asmaddr and stackaddr are ignored and set to contents of EIP and ESP of the specified thread. If threadid is 0 and actual thread is invalid, Setcpu automatically reswitches to main thread;
asmaddr - address to display in Disassembler, or 0 if this address remains unchanged. Ignored if threadid is not 0;
dumpaddr - address to display in CPU Dump, or 0 if this address remains unchanged;
stackaddr - address to display in Stack, or 0 if this address remains unchanged. Ignored if threadid is not 0;
mode - combination of CPU_xxx flags that select update mode:
CPU_ASMHIST | Add change to Disassembler history |
CPU_ASMCENTER | Position address in the middle of Disassembler window |
CPU_ASMFOCUS | Move focus to Disassembler |
CPU_DUMPHIST | Add change to Dump history (currently not available) |
CPU_DUMPFIRST | Make dumpaddr the first byte in CPU Dump |
CPU_DUMPFOCUS | Move focus to CPU Dump |
CPU_REGAUTO | Automatically change Registers mode to FPU/MMX/3DNow! |
CPU_RUNTRACE | Show run trace data at offset asmaddr |
CPU_NOCREATE | Don't create CPU window if absent |
CPU_REDRAW | Redraw CPU window immediately |
CPU_NOFOCUS | Don't force focus to main window |
See also: Setdisasm, Redrawdisassembler, Getcputhreadid