Search functions

OllyDbg Plugin API

Search functions

The functions described in this section have little value for plugin developer and exported mainly for use in command line plugin. They search for specified sort of data and display results in the reference window.

int Findallcommands(t_dump *pd,t_asmmodel *model,ulong origin,char *title);

int Findalldllcalls(t_dump *pd,ulong origin,char *title);

int Findallsequences(t_dump *pd,t_extmodel model[NSEQ][NMODELS],ulong origin,char *title);

int Findreferences(ulong base,ulong size,ulong addr0,ulong addr1,ulong origin,int recurseonjump,char *title);

int Findstrings(ulong base,ulong size,ulong origin,char *title);