Display dialog asking user to enter 80-bit floating point number, either as float or as hexadecimal code. Primarily oriented on editing of contents of FPU stack. If tag is not NULL, functions ask whether to change the associated FPU tag. If tag is NULL and bit DIA_ASKGLOBAL is set, ask whether to use global search. Bit DIA_ALIGNED enables boxes "Aligned search" and "Allow 0.1% error margin". Function Getfloat10 additionally contains the preferred screen coordinates of the bottom left point of the dialog window.
int Getfloat10(char *title,long double *fdata,char *tag,char letter,int mode);
int Getfloat10xy(char *title,long double *fdata,char *tag,char letter,int mode,int x,int y);
title - title of dialog box;
fdata - pointer to 80-bit floating point number. On return, buffer contains entered value. If user cancels action, value remains unchanged;
tag - pointer to tag associated with FPU register. If user requested change of associated tag, Getfloat10 will set this tag to valid, zero or bad depending on the contents of *fdata;
letter - first character to be entered in edit control, or 0 if there is no character. Useful if function is called as a reaction on a numeric key pressed by user;
mode - combination of DIA_xxx bits specifying additional Getfloat10 features:
DIA_ASKGLOBAL | display checkbox "Entire block" that controls global search flag. Actual state of this flag is returned by call to Plugingetvalue(VAL_GLOBALSEARCH) |
DIA_ALIGNED | display checkboxes "Aligned search" and "Allow 0.1% error margin" that control aligned search and inexact search flags. Actual state of these flags is returned by calls to Plugingetvalue(VAL_ALIGNEDSEARCH) and Plugingetvalue(VAL_SEARCHMARGIN) |
x - absolute X screen coordinate, in pixels, of the bottom left corner of the dialog window. If necessary, dialog will automatically adjust its position so that it remains visible;
y - absolute Y screen coordinate, in pixels, of the bottom left corner of the dialog window.
See also: Getlong, Getregxy, Getline, Getfloat, Getmmx, Get3dnow, Gettableselectionxy