Send Serial Command

NI Vision Builder

Send Serial Command

Use this dialog box to configure your system to send a command through serial communication lines.

How to Use

  1. Select the port on whose line you want to send a command from the Port drop-down list.
  2. Type the command you want to send.
  3. Click Insert HEX to insert the hexadecimal characters you want to include in the command.
  4. Click Insert Result to insert the result of a previous inspection step or value of a variable in the command to send.
  5. Select the display type.
  6. Select the termination character you want to signal the end of the command from the Termination Character drop-down list.
  7. Type a comment about the command you want to send.

Control Descriptions

The following controls are found on the Send Serial Command dialog box.

Control Name Description
Port Name of the serial port on whose line you want to send a command.
Command Command you want to send.
Insert HEX Launches a dialog box in which you enter the hexadecimal characters you want to insert in the command.
Insert Result Launches a dialog box in which you select the result of a previous inspection step or variable.
Display Types Specifies the format to use to display the command.
Termination Character Character that indicates the end of a command. The following options are available:
  • None—No termination character
  • NULL (\00)—Null character
  • CR (\0D)—Carriage return
  • LF (\0A)—Line feed
  • CR/LF (\0D\0A)—Carriage return/line feed
  • Comment—Comment about the command you want to send.
Comment Comment about the command you want to send.