String Display Types

NI Vision Builder

String Display Types

The following options are available for displaying strings.

Display Option Description
Normal Display Display style of the string.
\ Codes Display Displays non-printable characters with a backslash (\) before the character. This mode is helpful when debugging communications in which you expect to receive non-printable characters.

The following table shows the Vision Builder AI interpretation of non-printable characters:

Code Interpretation
\00–\FF hexadecimal value of an 8-bit character
\b backspace (ASCII BS, equivalent to \08)
\f form feed (ASCII FF, equivalent to \0C)
\n line feed (ASCII LF, equivalent to \0A)
\r carriage return (ASCII CR, equivalent to \0D)
\t tab (ASCII HT, equivalent to \09)
\s space (equivalent to \20)
\\ backslash (ASCII \, equivalent to \5C)
%% percent
Hex Display Displays each character of the string in its hexadecimal value. This mode is helpful when debugging communication with instruments.