Read from Local Register

NI Vision Builder

Read from Local Register

Use this dialog box to configure your system to read data from local registers.

How to Use

  1. Select the registry table from which to read data.
  2. Select the memory address from which you want to start reading.
  3. Select the type of data to read. If you choose ASCII, enter the number of registers to read.
  4. Enter a name for the data you want to read.
  5. Select the data type format in which you want to store the read data. If the output type is different from the input type, select Measurement Formatting.
  6. Type a comment about the command you want to send.

Control Descriptions

The following controls are available on the Read Local Register dialog box.

Control Name Description
Read From Local Register Specifies the register to read.
  • Table—Type of register from which you want to read.
  • Start Address—Address of the register to read.
  • Type—Type of data to read from the register.
  • Number of Registers—When you read a string whose type is ASCII, you can choose the number of registers to which you want to read.
Store in Measurement Measurement to use to store the data.
  • Name—Name of the measurement you want to create to store the data.
  • Type—Data type format in which you want to store the data.
Measurement Formatting Specifies how you want to format the data if the output type is different from the input type.
Input Type Output Type Formatting
Numeric Boolean No formatting necessary. Value sent is True if numeric is different than 0.
Numeric String Width is the number of digits to use. Precision is the number of digits after the decimal point of the output string.
Boolean Numeric Specify the value to read if the Boolean is False (False Value) and if the Boolean is True (True Value).
Boolean String Specify the string to send when the Boolean is True (True String) and when the Boolean is False (False String).
String Numeric No formatting necessary. Vision Builder AI converts the string to a double.
String Boolean Specify the string that corresponds to a True Value.
Comment Comment about the data to read..