Filter Image Controls

NI Vision Builder

Process Images Tab

Filter Image Controls

Main Tab

The following controls are available on the Main tab.

Control Name Description
Step Name Name to give the step.
Region of Interest The region of interest you want to use for the step.
Reposition Region of Interest When enabled, the step dynamically repositions the region of interest based on a coordinate system you built in a previous step.
Reference Coordinate System Coordinate system to which you want to link the region of interest.

Filters Tab

The following controls are available on the Filters tab.

Control Name Description
Filter Type Type of filter to apply to the region of interest. The following options are available:
  • Original Image—Original input image.


  • Lowpass—Lowpass filtering. Smoothes images by eliminating details and blurring edges.
  • Local Average—Local Averaging of the image pixels based on the kernel.
  • Gaussian—Gaussian filtering based on the kernel. Attenuates the variations of light intensity in the neighborhood of a pixel. The Gaussian kernel has the following model: a d c b x b c d a where a, b, c, and d are integers and x>1.
  • Median—Median filtering. Each pixel is assigned the median value of its neighborhood.

Edge Detection

  • Laplacian—Laplacian filtering. Extracts the contour of objects and outlines details. The Laplacian filter kernel has the following model:

    a d c b x b c d a

    where a, b, c, and d are integers and x is greater than or equal to the sum of the absolute values of the outer coefficients.

  • Diff—Differentiation filtering. Produces continuous contours by highlighting each pixel where an intensity variation occurs between itself and its three upper left neighbors.
  • Prewitt—Prewitt filtering. A highpass filter that extracts the outer contours of objects.
  • Sobel—Sobel filter. A highpass filter that extracts the outer contours of objects.
  • Roberts—Roberts filter to detect edges. Outlines the contours that highlight pixels where an intensity variation occurs along the diagonal axes.


  • Highlight Details—Convolution kernel that highlights the edges of an image.
  • Custom—Custom filtering using the kernel coefficients and size that you specify.
Kernel Size Size of the structuring element. The following options are available:
  • 3×3
  • 5×5
  • 7×7

A default Kernel is used for each filter type. If you modify the Kernel, Filter Type will change to Custom Filter.

Filter Size Size of the filter for the Lowpass and Median filters.
Kernel Specifies the Kernel coefficients.
Tip  When you select a Filter Type the kernel coefficients are set to default values. You may need to experiment with different kernel coefficients and kernel sizes to obtain the desired result.