Vision Assistant FAQs

NI Vision Builder

Process Images Tab

Vision Assistant FAQs

Q: I modified an image with Vision Assistant. Can I take measurements from the original image?

Yes, you can use the Select Image step to retrieve the original image and make different measurements.

Q: My binary image appears black and red in Vision Assistant. Why does the same image appear black and white in Vision Builder AI?

A binary image in Vision Assistant has two pixel values: 0 (black) and 1 (shown in red for display purposes). Vision Builder AI scales the intensity values such that pixels whose values were 1 in Vision Assistant now have values of 255 (white). Pixel values of 0 and 255 have better contrast than pixel values of 0 and 1.

Q: The Reposition Region of Interest and Reference Coordinate System controls are dimmed. How can I make these options available?

Insert a Set Coordinate System step before this step to make the Reposition Region of Interest and Reference Coordinate System controls available.

Q: When I return to Vision Builder AI after configuring a Vision Assistant step, why does a Lookup Table step appears at the end of the Image Processing Steps list?

When you threshold an image in Vision Assistant, the pixels in the resulting binary image have values of 0 and 1. Vision Builder AI adds a Lookup Table step to convert the pixels whose values equal 1 to 255 so that you are able to distinguish pixels of interest from background pixels.