User Input Controls

NI Vision Builder

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User Input Controls

The following controls are available on the property page of the step.

Control Name Description
Step Name Name to give the step.
Preview Displays the dialog box that the user will see when the step executes.

Window Text

Control Name Description
Window Title Title of the dialog box.
Message to Display Text displayed inside the dialog box.


Control Name Description
Input Name Name of the control. Each control name must be unique and cannot be left blank. The control name is used as the label for the control that appears on the user input dialog box.
Input Data Type Data type of the control. The following options are available:
  • Number
  • Checkbox
  • Text Box
Add Adds a new control to the dialog box.
Move Up Moves the currently selected control up in the Inputs table.
Move Down Moves the currently selected control down in the Inputs table.
Delete Removes the currently selected control from the Inputs table.

Buttons to Display

Control Name Description
First Button Name Label of the first button displayed in the dialog box.
Keyboard Shortcut The keystroke that, when pressed, performs the same action as clicking the button.
Display Second Button Specifies whether or not to display a second button on the dialog box.
Second Button Name Label of the second button displayed in the dialog box.