![Use Additional Tools Tab](advanced.gif)
![]() | Run LabVIEW VI FAQs |
Q: What types of controls and indicators can I use in my VI?
There are no restrictions about the types of controls or indicators used in the VI. However, to use the value of a variable or measurements from a previous Vision Builder AI step for the value of a control, the control data types must be numerics (I8, I16, I32, U8, U16, U32, DBL, SGL, or EXT), strings, boolean values, NI Coordinate Systems, or NI Image controls. Indicators must be numerics, strings or boolean values to be accessible in future steps.
Q: Do I need to update the connector pane for this step to use my indicators or controls?
No, the Run LabVIEW VI step detects all controls and indicators on the front panel regardless of whether they are linked to the VI connector pane.
Q: How do I use the current image from Vision Builder AI and modify the image so subsequent steps use the modified image?
In the VI Controls Tab, click the Configure button. If you have an NI Image control on the specified VI, select Current Image»Image as the value for the NI Image control. Once the current image is associated with your image control, you will have access to the current Vision Builder AI image. Any modification to the image is reflected in the resulting image after the VI is run.
Because the image passed in is the same one that will be modified, using an image display control can produce confusing results because it may not be clear if the image displayed is the original passed from Vision Builder AI or the modified version after the VI has run. It is recommended to use the NI Image control instead of the NI Image Display control to avoid confusion.
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Note If you pass the current Vision Builder AI image to your VI, overlay calibration information and any other vision information in the image is preserved. |
Q: How do I use a Coordinate System from a previous step in my VI?
In the VI Controls Tab, click the Configure button. If you have an NI Coordinate System control on your VI, you can select a coordinate system from a previous Set Coordinate System step as the value for the NI Coordinate System Control. If the Set Coordinate System step does not find a coordinate system, the Measurement System controls in the Coordinate System cluster on your VI will display NaN for the control values.
Q: Why does Vision Builder AI appear unresponsive when I run a VI?
The Run LabVIEW VI step waits for the specified VI to complete before executing additional steps in your application. If the VI runs continuously or requires a user interaction to stop the VI, the step will wait indefinitely. To avoid this situation, make sure that the selected VI can complete without user interaction.
Q: Why do I get an error about my VI or one of the subVIs being broken?
You need to save the VI for distribution to ensure that all the VI dependencies are available. Refer to Saving a VI for Distribution for instructions about saving a VI for distribution. When running an inspection on a remote target, make sure to copy the VI and all of the dependencies to the remote target before running the inspection.
Q: Why do I get an error about by VI being missing when the VI is in the correct location?
If the VI is not compiled for the remote target where you want to run the VI, you will receive this error. Complete the steps listed in Saving a VI for Distribution to ensure that the VI is correctly compiled for the remote target.