Modbus Slave Controls

NI Vision Builder


Modbus Slave Controls

The following controls are available on the property page of the step.

Control Name Description
Step Name Name to give the step.
Command List List of all the commands to send and receive through Modbus communication. The following information is displayed for each command:
  • Measurement—Measurement or variable to write to from the local Modbus register.
  • Register Address—Address of the local Modbus register to write to or read from.
  • Value—Value written to or read from the register.
  • Hex Value—Binary value written to or read from the register.
Write Registers Launches a dialog box in which you configure the data written to a local Modbus register.
Read Registers Launches a dialog box in which you configure the data to read from a local Modbus register.
Edit Launches a command dialog in which you can edit the command selected in the Command List table.
Delete Deletes the currently selected command.
Delete All Deletes all the commands in the Command List.
View Local Registers Launches a dialog box where you can view the content of the local Modbus registers.
Step Fails in Case of Error or Timeout Sets the step status to FAIL when there is an error or timeout during communication.