Calculator Controls

NI Vision Builder

Identify Parts

Calculator Controls

Main Tab

The following controls are available on the Main tab.

Control Name Description
Step Name Name to give the step.
Edit Inputs/Outputs Launches a tabbed dialog box in which you can change the inputs and outputs to use in the calculation.
Remove Broken Wires Removes broken wires in the calculation diagram.
Show Functions Palette Displays the palette that contains the numeric, comparison, Boolean, and string controls necessary to develop a calculation diagram.
Show Help Window Displays a window that contains information about the numeric, comparison, Boolean, and string controls.

Measurements Tab

The following control is available on the Measurements tab.

Control Name Description
Compute Results Computes the results of the diagram and displays the results in the table.

Limits Tab

The following control is available on the Limits tab.

Control Name Description
Step Result Output is True Specifies that the inspection passes only when the specified Input Measurements are found and the result of the computation connected to the Step Result output terminal is True.