Region of Interest Tools

NI Vision Builder

Region of Interest Tools

In most inspection steps, you want to focus on the inspection on specific areas of the image. You can define these specific areas with region of interest tools. The following tools are available depending on the inspection step:

IconTool NameDescription
PointSelect a pixel in the image. Action: Click on the desired position.
LineDraw a line in the image. Action: Click on the initial position and click again on the final position.
Broken LineDraw a broken line in the image. Action: Click to place a new vertex and double-click to complete the region.
Freehand LineDraw a freehand line in the image. Action: Click on the initial position, drag to the desired shape, and release the mouse button to complete the shape.
RectangleDraw a rectangle or square in the image. Action: Click on one corner and drag to the opposite corner.
Rotated RectangleDraw a rotated rectangle in the image. Action: Click on one corner and drag to the opposite corner to create the rectangle. Click on the lines inside the rectangle and drag to adjust the rotation angle.
OvalDraw an oval or circle in the image. Action: Click on the center position and drag to the desired size.
AnnulusDraw an annulus in the image. Action: Click on the center position and drag to the desired size. Adjust the inner and outer radii, and adjust the start and end angle.
PolygonDraw a polygon in the image. Action: Click to place a new vertex and double-click to complete the region.
Freehand RegionDraw a freehand region in the image. Action: Click on the initial position, drag to the desired shape, and release the mouse button to complete the region.

Note  Not all region of interest tools are available for every step.