Use Additional Tools
This palette groups several additional steps whose purposes are to help you make pass/fail decisions based on previous step results, provide a method by which you can communicate measurements and pass/fail results through serial communication to other devices in your vision inspection system, and add a delay between inspection steps.
Step Name | Description |
Set Inspection Status | Updates the value of the Inspection Status system variable. |
Calculator | Combines measurements from previous steps to compute new results or pass/fail decisions. You can select any measurement from previous steps and perform numeric, Boolean, or string operations to create new results. Refer to Calculator Concepts for related information. |
Logic Calculator | Computes pass/fail decisions based on individual step measurements and results obtained from previous steps. You can also base a calculation result on the combination of results from multiple steps. Refer to Logic Calculator Concepts for related information. |
Set Variable | Updates the value of variables. |
Index Measurements | Selects a single measurement result from a previous inspection step that returns an array of measurement results. |
Run LabVIEW VI | Runs a LabVIEW VI from within Vision Builder AI. |
Custom Overlay | Creates a user-defined overlay to add to the current image. |
Display Image | Displays an image at any point of the inspection. You can also specify a custom overlay, including test results, and shapes on the displayed image. Refer to Display Image Concepts for related information. |
Delay | Waits for a fixed time period before executing the next step in an inspection, or for a fixed amount of time since the last time this step was called. |
Data Logging | Saves measurement results to a file on either the local host or an FTP server. |
Image Logging | Saves inspection images to file. |
Update Inspection UI | Updates indicator values on user-defined interface in Inspection mode. |
User Input | Creates a custom dialog box that allow users to input strings, numbers, or boolean data that can be used in an inspection. |
Select Inspection | Maps Vision Builder AI inspections to numeric or string values. This allows you to configure Vision Builder AI to automatically choose which inspection to run based on the value of a numeric or string result from an I/O, Run LabVIEW VI, or User Input step. |