External Document References


Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - XSLT Developer's Guide

External Document References

The document() XSLT function allows you to incorporate another XML file into the running context. This function enables you to select and extract XML data from multiple XML files.

In the context of XSLT, the words "import" and "include" refer to incorporating other XSLT files, rather than XML files.

  • The <xsl:import> element imports another style sheet into the current style sheet. The imported definitions and template rules have lower priority.
  • The <xsl:include> element includes another style sheet into the current style sheet. The included definitions and template rules have the same priority as the style sheet that includes them. The <xsl:include> element is only allowed as the child of the <xsl:stylesheet> element.

See Also

document Function | Importing and Including Style Sheets