C/C++ Source: KeyFromHMACSecret.cpp
#include <stdio.h> #import <msxml5.dll> using namespace MSXML2; #define HMACSECRET "c2VjcmV0" #define HMACLENGTH -1 #define DSIGNS "xmlns:ds='http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#'" #define SIG_IN "signature-template-enveloping-hmac-sha1.xml" #define SIG_OUT "signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1.xml" IXMLDOMDocument3Ptr xmldoc = NULL; IXMLDigitalSignaturePtr xmldsig = NULL; VARIANT_BOOL objectsAreInitialized = VARIANT_FALSE; VARIANT_BOOL LoadXML(_bstr_t sigFile) { if (!objectsAreInitialized) { printf("Must initialize objects before loading signature.\n"); return VARIANT_FALSE; } if (xmldoc->load(sigFile) == VARIANT_FALSE) { printf("Can't load %s\n", (LPCSTR)sigFile); return VARIANT_FALSE; } xmldoc->setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", DSIGNS); xmldsig->signature = xmldoc->selectSingleNode(".//ds:Signature"); if (xmldsig->signature == NULL) { printf("Failed to set the signature property.\n"); return VARIANT_FALSE; } return VARIANT_TRUE; } VARIANT_BOOL SignXML(char *secret, long length) { IXMLDSigKeyPtr pKey, pKeyOut; if (xmldsig->signature == NULL) { printf("Invalid signature template.\n"); return VARIANT_FALSE; } pKey = xmldsig->createKeyFromHMACSecret(_bstr_t(secret), length); if (pKey== NULL) { printf("Invalid key from HMACsecret\n"); return VARIANT_FALSE; } // KEYVALUE is defined in XMLDSIG_WRITEKEYINFO enum. pKeyOut = xmldsig->sign(pKey, KEYVALUE); if (pKeyOut== NULL) { printf("Invalid signature.\n"); return VARIANT_FALSE; } xmldoc->save(SIG_OUT); printf("The data referenced in the signature template was signed "); printf("successfully.\nResultant signature:\n\n%s\n",(LPCSTR)xmldoc->xml); return VARIANT_TRUE; } VARIANT_BOOL VerifyXML(char* secret, long length) { IXMLDSigKeyPtr pKey, pKeyOut; pKey = xmldsig->createKeyFromHMACSecret(_bstr_t(secret), length); if (pKey== NULL) { printf("Invalid key from HMACSecret\n"); return VARIANT_FALSE; } pKeyOut = xmldsig->verify(pKey); if (pKeyOut== NULL) { printf("Invalid signature.\n"); return VARIANT_FALSE; } printf("The data referenced in the signature object was verified successfully.\n"); return VARIANT_TRUE; } VARIANT_BOOL initObjects() { if (FAILED(xmldsig.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MXDigitalSignature50)) )) { printf("Installation of msxml5 is required to run this app.\n"); return VARIANT_FALSE; } if (FAILED(xmldoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument50)) )) { printf("Installation of msxml5 is required to run this app.\n"); return VARIANT_FALSE; } xmldoc->async = VARIANT_FALSE; xmldoc->validateOnParse = VARIANT_FALSE; xmldoc->preserveWhiteSpace = VARIANT_TRUE; objectsAreInitialized = VARIANT_TRUE; return VARIANT_TRUE; } void cleanObjects() { if (xmldoc) xmldoc.Release(); if (xmldsig) xmldsig.Release(); } void main() { if ( CoInitialize(NULL) == E_FAIL) { printf("can't initialize COM Lib\n"); exit(-1); } if (!initObjects()) { cleanObjects(); exit(-1); } if(VARIANT_TRUE == LoadXML(SIG_IN)) { if (VARIANT_TRUE != SignXML(HMACSECRET, HMACLENGTH)) { printf("exit with failure.\n"); goto clean; } } if(VARIANT_TRUE == LoadXML(SIG_OUT)) { if (VARIANT_TRUE != VerifyXML(HMACSECRET, HMACLENGTH)) { printf("exit with failure.\n"); goto clean; } } clean: cleanObjects(); CoUninitialize(); }
Try It!
- Ensure that you have completed all the procedures in Getting Started with XML Digital Signatures.
- Start Visual C++.
- From the File menu, select New. On the Projects tab of the New dialog box that appears, select Win32 Console Application in the left pane. Then type " KeyFromHMACSecretProj" in the Project name field. For the project Location field, either accept the default setting or choose another location. Click OK.
- The Win32 Console Application property page will appear. For the type of Console Application, select An empty project and click Finish. When the New Project Information box displays, click OK.
- Select FileView on the project browser, and highlight KeyFromHMACSecretProj files. From the File menu, select New.
- On the Files tab of the New dialog box, highlight C++ Source File. Then type "signature-template-enveloping-hmac-sha1.xml" in the File name text box.
- Click OK.
- Copy the XML signature template file from Resource File, and paste it into the text file you just created.
- Repeat steps 5-8 for the C++ file above (KeyFromHMACSecret.cpp).
- From the Project menu, click Settings..., then click the Link tab.
- In Object/library modules, type "crypt32.lib". Insert this text either before or after the existing string that lists all objects and modules for the current project. Then click OK.
- Build the sample by selecting Build KeyFromHMACSecretProj.exe from the Build menu.
- Execute the sample application by selecting !Execute KeyFromHMACSecretProj.exe from the Build menu.
- Verify that your output is similar to that listed in the Output topic.