

Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference


Returns a collection of parsing errors.

Use the allErrors property of the IXMLDOMParseError2 interface to access the IXMLDOMParseErrorCollection interface. Errors in this collection are in the same order in which they were found. The parseError object reported on the DOMDocument is also the first error object in this collection.

To use this interface, you must set the MultipleErrorMessages property on the DOM as shown in the following JScript code fragment:

objDom.setProperty("MultipleErrorMessages", true);


_newEnum Returns the enumerator object for the error collection. This allows items in the collection to be enumerated in Visual Basic For Each... In... Next constructions. Read-only.
length Returns the number of items in the error collection. Read-only.
item Returns an item from the error collection with the specified index. The index starts at zero. Read-only
next Returns the next item of the error collection. Read-only.


reset Resets the internal position to the start, so that the next method will return the first error in the collection.




Implementation: msxml5.dll, msxml2.lib


Header and IDL files: msxml2.h, msxml2.idl

Inheritance: Inherits from the IDispatch interface.


MSXML 5.0 and later

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