Represents a processing instruction, which XML defines to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document.
The following script example creates a new IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction
object and displays its XML representation.
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0"); var pi; pi = xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\""); alert(pi.xml);
Output (in a message box)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
The following Microsoft® Visual Basic® example creates a new IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction
object and displays its XML representation.
Dim xmlDoc As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50 Dim pi As IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction Set pi = xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=""1.0""") MsgBox pi.xml
Output (in a message box)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#import "msxml5.dll" using namespace MSXML2; #define CHECK_AND_RELEASE(pInterface) \ if(pInterface) \ {\ pInterface->Release();\ pInterface = NULL;\ }\ #define RELEASE(pInterface) \ {\ pInterface->Release();\ pInterface = NULL;\ }\ BOOL BuildDynamicXMLwithProcessingInstruction() { BOOL bResult = FALSE; IXMLDOMDocument *pIXMLDOMDocument=NULL; IXMLDOMElement *pIXMLDOMElement=NULL; IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction *pIXMLDOMProcessingInstruction=NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pIXMLDOMNode = NULL; HRESULT hr ; BSTR bstrValue ; try { hr=CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument2, (LPVOID*)(&pIXMLDOMDocument)); SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : throw hr; if(pIXMLDOMDocument) { hr=pIXMLDOMDocument->createElement(CComBSTR(L"Node1"), &pIXMLDOMElement); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pIXMLDOMElement) { hr=pIXMLDOMElement->put_text(_T("test")); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr=pIXMLDOMDocument->createProcessingInstruction(_T("xml"), _T("version='1.0'"), &pIXMLDOMProcessingInstruction); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pIXMLDOMProcessingInstruction) { pIXMLDOMDocument->appendChild( pIXMLDOMProcessingInstruction, &pIXMLDOMNode); pIXMLDOMDocument->putref_documentElement(pIXMLDOMElement); hr=pIXMLDOMDocument->get_xml(&bstrValue); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ::MessageBox(NULL,bstrValue,L"Loaded Doc",MB_OK); bResult=TRUE; } CHECK_AND_RELEASE(pIXMLDOMNode); RELEASE(pIXMLDOMProcessingInstruction); } } RELEASE(pIXMLDOMElement); } RELEASE(pIXMLDOMDocument); } } catch(...) { CHECK_AND_RELEASE(pIXMLDOMElement); CHECK_AND_RELEASE(pIXMLDOMDocument); CHECK_AND_RELEASE(pIXMLDOMNode); CHECK_AND_RELEASE(pIXMLDOMProcessingInstruction); DisplayErrorToUser(); } return bResult; }
Output (in a message box)
<?xml version="1.0"?> <Node1>test</Node1>
The content of the ProcessingInstruction
node is the entire content between the delimiters of the processing instruction.
The content of this node is usually subdivided into the target (the application to which this processing instruction is directed) and the content of the processing instruction. The target consists of the first token following the start of the tag, while the content of the processing instruction refers to the text that extends from the first non-white space character after the target through the character immediately preceding the ?>, which signifies the end of the tag.
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MSXML 2.0 and later
Implementation: msxml5.dll, msxml2.lib
Header and IDL files: msxml2.h, msxml2.idl
See Also
DOMDocument | IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction Members