setProxyCredentials Method (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerXMLHTTPRequest)
Specify proxy authentication credentials.
Script Syntax
oSrvXMLHTTPRequest.setProxyCredentials(username, password);
- username
- The name of the user to be authenticated.
- password
- The password for the user to be authenticated.
[Visual Basic]
Visual Basic Syntax
oSrvXMLHTTPRequest.setProxyCredentials(username, password)
- username
- The name of the user to be authenticated.
- password
- The password for the user to be authenticated.
C/C++ Syntax
HRESULT setProxyCredentials( BSTR bstrUserName, BSTR bstrPassword);
- bstrUserName [in]
- The name of the user to be authenticated.
- bstrPassword [in]
- The password for the user to be authenticated.
C/C++ Return Values
- S_OK
- Value returned if successful.
- Value returned if name or value is invalid.
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See Also
Applies to: IServerXMLHTTPRequest /ServerXMLHTTP Members