output Property


Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

output Property

Determines the destination and the type of output for MXXMLWriter. By default, the output property is a BSTR (string) value.

Output for IMXWriter can be set as one of the following:

  • Any implementation of the IStream interface. (The resulting document will be written into the provided IStream.)
  • A string.
  • A DOMDocument object.

    For more information about setting the output property to a DOMDocument object, see Create a DOMDocument Object from SAX Events

Setting the output property to the empty value (VT_EMPTY or " ") will return output to the internal string and reset it.

[Visual Basic]

Usage Syntax

oMXXMLWriter.output = varDestination
varDestination = oMXXMLWriter.output


Read/write. Variant destination.


The following example creates an instance of MXXMLWriter and sets it to the ContentHandler. Method calls on the ContentHandler are used to manually generate a document. In the sample, a DOMDocument object is created, and the writer output is set to the DOMDocument object. The example code produces three message boxes. The first box shows the DOMDocument object as it is being built (For example, <catalog><book id="bk101"/></catalog>). The second message box shows the finished document. The third message box shows the text in the first <author> tag, Gambardella, Matthew.

Dim xmlDoc As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50
Dim nodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim wrt As New MXXMLWriter50
Dim cnth As IVBSAXContentHandler
Dim atrs As New SAXAttributes50

Set cnth = wrt

wrt.output = xmlDoc
'sets standalone="yes" in the XML declaration
'wrt.standalone = True
'configures the writer to indent elements
wrt.indent = True

'starts the document by addding the XML declaration

'adds the <catalog> element to the page
cnth.startElement "", "", "catalog", atrs

'adds the id attribute to the collection witht he "bk0101" value.
atrs.addAttribute "", "", "id", "CDATA", "bk101"
'creates the <book id="bk101"> tag
cnth.startElement "", "", "book", atrs
'clears the attribute collection

MsgBox xmlDoc.xml

'creates the <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author> string
cnth.startElement "", "", "author", atrs
cnth.characters "Gambardella, Matthew"
cnth.endElement "", "", "author"

'creates the <title>XML Developer's Guide</title> string
cnth.startElement "", "", "title", atrs
cnth.characters "XML Developer's Guide"
cnth.endElement "", "", "title"
'creates the <description>An in-depth look at...</description> string
cnth.startElement "", "", "description", atrs
cnth.characters "An in-depth look at creating applications with XML"
cnth.endElement "", "", "description"

'adds closing tags for <book> and <catalog> elements
cnth.endElement "", "", "book"
cnth.endElement "", "", "catalog"

'ends the document

'displays the author's name in a message box
MsgBox xmlDoc.xml
Set objNodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("author")
MsgBox objNodeList.Item(0).Text


HRESULT output (
   [in] VARIANT varDestination);
HRESULT output (
   [out, retval] VARIANT * varDestination);


The variant destination.

Return Values

The value returned if no errors are reported.


The default is output to string.

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See Also

Create a DOMDocument Object from SAX Events | IMXWriter Interface | MXHTMLWriter CoClass

Applies to: MXXMLWriter CoClass