IXMLDOMSchemaCollection/XMLSchemaCache Members


Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference

IXMLDOMSchemaCollection/XMLSchemaCache Members

The property and methods in the following tables are an extension to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) DOM.


length Returns the number of namespaces currently in a collection. Read-only.
namespaceURI Returns the namespace at the specified index.
validateOnLoad Indicates whether schemas will be compiled and validated when loaded into the schema cache.


add Adds a new schema to the schema collection, and associates the given namespace URI with the specified schema.
addCollection Adds schemas from another collection into the current collection, and replaces any schemas that collide on the same namespace URI.
get Returns a read-only Document Object Model (DOM) node that contains the <Schema> element.
getDeclaration Returns an ISchemaItem object for a specified DOM node. The return value will include declaration information. This information typically references the schema to be applied when validating the contents of the specified DOM node.
getSchema Returns an ISchema object. The schema contains the namespace URI specified in the namespaceURI parameter that is passed to this method. The ISchema interface can be used to further obtain information about the schema object that is returned.
remove Removes the specified namespace from a collection.
validate Performs run-time validation on the documents in the schema cache that have not been compiled and validated.



See Also
