SAX2 Visual Basic Common Notices
Visual Basic Wrappers
Microsoft® Visual Basic® wrappers are constructed from C++/COM interfaces by:
- Replacing the "I" prefix in front of the interface/class name with "IVB".
- Replacing all string representations from w_char_t*/int to BSTR. For handlers, strings should be passed by reference.
- Replacing IerrorInfo parameters with BSTRs containing error messages.
- Replacing HRESULT parameters with long.
- Making all parameter names follow simplified Hungarian notation for Visual Basic. For example, strName is used in place of pwchName. Prefixes are "srt", "n", "l", and "o".
- Wherever C++ uses NULL, Visual Basic uses VT_Empty.
- All interfaces are derived from
Currently, Visual Basic and C++ wrappers are completely disconnected for the user. However, the same coclasses implement both C++ and VB interfaces.
Features handled and recognized by SAXXMLReader are:
Properties handled and recognized by SAXXMLReader are:
Base interface
All interfaces are derived from IDispatch