<xsl:message> Element


Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - XSLT Reference

<xsl:message> Element

The <xsl:message> element sends a text message to either the message buffer or a message dialog box, depending on the environment in which the element call is made. It also raises a system-level error message that can be trapped through normal error-handling mechanisms.

  terminate = "yes" | "no" >


Specifies whether the transformation should terminate upon executing this instruction. This attribute can have one of two string values: "yes" or "no". When the terminate attribute is set to "yes", the content of the element is displayed as the part of the system-level error message, and the transformation terminates. When it is set to "no", the transformation proceeds, ignoring the error message. The default value is "no".

Element Information


The <xsl:message> element provides a mechanism to debug XSLT style sheets in progress. Whenever an <xsl:message> element is encountered, if the terminate flag is set to "yes", the XSLT processor quits, and sends a system-level error message. Expressions contained within the <xsl:message> element evaluate relative to the current context, making <xsl:message> a good way to watch individual elements.


The following topic provides an example of the <xsl:message> element.