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FrontPage Page Object Model Enumerated Constants
This topic provides a list of all enumerated constants in the Microsoft FrontPage Page object model.
Constant |
Value |
fpCheckOut |
1 |
fpCheckOutCancel |
3 |
fpCheckOutPromptUser |
0 |
fpCheckOutReadOnly |
2 |
Constant |
Value |
fpChoiceFieldCheckBoxes |
2 |
fpChoiceFieldDropdown |
0 |
fpChoiceFieldRadioButtons |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpConnect1000K |
9 |
fpConnect128K |
3 |
fpConnect144 |
0 |
fpConnect1500K |
4 |
fpConnect256K |
6 |
fpConnect288 |
1 |
fpConnect384K |
7 |
fpConnect512K |
8 |
fpConnect56K |
2 |
fpConnectISDN |
3 |
fpConnectT1 |
4 |
fpConnectT3 |
5 |
Constant |
Value |
fpCurrencyFieldAlgerian |
5121 |
fpCurrencyFieldArgentina |
11274 |
fpCurrencyFieldAustralia |
3081 |
fpCurrencyFieldAustria |
3079 |
fpCurrencyFieldBahraini |
15361 |
fpCurrencyFieldBelgiumBF |
2067 |
fpCurrencyFieldBelgiumFB |
2060 |
fpCurrencyFieldBolivia |
16394 |
fpCurrencyFieldBrazil |
1046 |
fpCurrencyFieldCanada |
4105 |
fpCurrencyFieldCanadaF |
3084 |
fpCurrencyFieldChile |
13322 |
fpCurrencyFieldColombia |
9226 |
fpCurrencyFieldCostaRica |
5130 |
fpCurrencyFieldCzech |
1029 |
fpCurrencyFieldDenmark |
1030 |
fpCurrencyFieldDominicanRepublic |
7178 |
fpCurrencyFieldEcuador |
12298 |
fpCurrencyFieldEgyptian |
3073 |
fpCurrencyFieldElSalvador |
17418 |
fpCurrencyFieldEuro |
-1 |
fpCurrencyFieldEuroPostfix |
-2 |
fpCurrencyFieldFinland |
1035 |
fpCurrencyFieldFrance |
1036 |
fpCurrencyFieldGermany |
1031 |
fpCurrencyFieldGreece |
1032 |
fpCurrencyFieldGuatemala |
4106 |
fpCurrencyFieldHonduras |
18442 |
fpCurrencyFieldHongKong |
3076 |
fpCurrencyFieldHungary |
1038 |
fpCurrencyFieldIndian |
1081 |
fpCurrencyFieldIranian |
1065 |
fpCurrencyFieldIraqi |
2049 |
fpCurrencyFieldIreland |
6153 |
fpCurrencyFieldIsraeli |
1037 |
fpCurrencyFieldItaly |
1040 |
fpCurrencyFieldJapan |
1041 |
fpCurrencyFieldJordanian |
11265 |
fpCurrencyFieldKorea |
1042 |
fpCurrencyFieldKuwaiti |
13313 |
fpCurrencyFieldLebanese |
12289 |
fpCurrencyFieldLibyan |
4097 |
fpCurrencyFieldMexico |
2058 |
fpCurrencyFieldMoroccan |
6145 |
fpCurrencyFieldNetherlands |
1043 |
fpCurrencyFieldNewZealand |
5129 |
fpCurrencyFieldNicaragua |
19466 |
fpCurrencyFieldNorway |
1044 |
fpCurrencyFieldOmani |
8193 |
fpCurrencyFieldPakistani |
1056 |
fpCurrencyFieldPanama |
6154 |
fpCurrencyFieldParaguay |
15370 |
fpCurrencyFieldPeru |
10250 |
fpCurrencyFieldPoland |
1045 |
fpCurrencyFieldPortugal |
2070 |
fpCurrencyFieldPRChina |
2052 |
fpCurrencyFieldQatari |
16385 |
fpCurrencyFieldRussia |
1049 |
fpCurrencyFieldSaudiArabian |
1025 |
fpCurrencyFieldSingapore |
4100 |
fpCurrencyFieldSlovakia |
1051 |
fpCurrencyFieldSlovenia |
1060 |
fpCurrencyFieldSouthAfrica |
7177 |
fpCurrencyFieldSpain |
1034 |
fpCurrencyFieldSweden |
1053 |
fpCurrencyFieldSwitzerland |
2055 |
fpCurrencyFieldSyrian |
10241 |
fpCurrencyFieldTaiwan |
1028 |
fpCurrencyFieldThai |
1054 |
fpCurrencyFieldTunisian |
7169 |
fpCurrencyFieldTurkey |
1055 |
fpCurrencyFieldUAE |
14337 |
fpCurrencyFieldUnitedKingdom |
2057 |
fpCurrencyFieldUnitedStates |
1033 |
fpCurrencyFieldUruguay |
14346 |
fpCurrencyFieldVenezuela |
8202 |
fpCurrencyFieldVietnamese |
1066 |
fpCurrencyFieldYemeni |
9217 |
Constant |
Value |
fpDateTimeFieldDateAndTime |
0 |
fpDateTimeFieldDateOnly |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpDepsDefault |
255 |
fpDepsImages |
2 |
fpDepsLinkbars |
16 |
fpDepsLinks |
1 |
fpDepsLists |
4 |
fpDepsNavbars |
32 |
fpDepsNone |
0 |
fpDepsRecurse |
256 |
fpDepsSharedBorders |
128 |
fpDepsThemes |
8 |
fpDepsWebParts |
64 |
Constant |
Value |
fpFieldAttachments |
13 |
fpFieldChoice |
5 |
fpFieldComputed |
11 |
fpFieldCounter |
9 |
fpFieldCurrency |
3 |
fpFieldDateTime |
4 |
fpFieldFile |
12 |
fpFieldInteger |
10 |
fpFieldLookup |
6 |
fpFieldMultiLine |
1 |
fpFieldNumber |
2 |
fpFieldRatingScale |
14 |
fpFieldSingleLine |
0 |
fpFieldTrueFalse |
7 |
fpFieldURL |
8 |
Constant |
Value |
fpFolderDHTMLSharedLib |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
border_bottom_color |
18 |
border_bottom_size |
12 |
border_foot_color |
20 |
border_foot_size |
14 |
border_head_color |
19 |
border_head_size |
13 |
border_left_color |
16 |
border_left_size |
10 |
border_right_color |
17 |
border_right_size |
11 |
border_top_color |
15 |
border_top_size |
9 |
cellFomattingID |
0 |
content_color |
45 |
content_html |
47 |
content_padding |
46 |
content_type |
4 |
content_valign |
48 |
corner_bottom_left_border_color |
37 |
corner_bottom_left_color |
36 |
corner_bottom_left_height |
35 |
corner_bottom_left_imageurl |
38 |
corner_bottom_left_type |
33 |
corner_bottom_left_width |
34 |
corner_bottom_right_border_color |
43 |
corner_bottom_right_color |
42 |
corner_bottom_right_height |
41 |
corner_bottom_right_imageurl |
44 |
corner_bottom_right_type |
39 |
corner_bottom_right_width |
40 |
corner_top_left_border_color |
25 |
corner_top_left_color |
24 |
corner_top_left_height |
23 |
corner_top_left_imageurl |
26 |
corner_top_left_type |
21 |
corner_top_left_width |
22 |
corner_top_right_border_color |
31 |
corner_top_right_color |
30 |
corner_top_right_height |
29 |
corner_top_right_imageurl |
32 |
corner_top_right_type |
27 |
corner_top_right_width |
28 |
footer_color |
55 |
footer_html |
57 |
footer_padding |
56 |
footer_size |
54 |
footer_valign |
58 |
header_color |
50 |
header_html |
52 |
header_padding |
51 |
header_size |
49 |
header_valign |
53 |
height |
2 |
is_cell |
63 |
is_table |
64 |
margin_bottom |
8 |
margin_left |
6 |
margin_right |
7 |
margin_top |
5 |
parent |
1 |
shadow_color |
61 |
shadow_position |
59 |
shadow_size |
60 |
shadow_smooth |
62 |
width |
3 |
Constant |
Value |
fpLengthUnitsAtom |
11 |
fpLengthUnitsCM |
7 |
fpLengthUnitsEM |
4 |
fpLengthUnitsEX |
5 |
fpLengthUnitsHalfPoints |
12 |
fpLengthUnitsHTMLFontUnits |
13 |
fpLengthUnitsIN |
6 |
fpLengthUnitsInvalid |
15 |
fpLengthUnitsMM |
8 |
fpLengthUnitsNone |
0 |
fpLengthUnitsNoValue |
14 |
fpLengthUnitsPC |
10 |
fpLengthUnitsPercent |
2 |
fpLengthUnitsPT |
9 |
fpLengthUnitsPX |
3 |
fpLengthUnitsRelative |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpListDesignSecurityCreator |
1 |
fpListDesignSecurityEveryone |
0 |
Constant |
Value |
fpListEditSecurityAll |
0 |
fpListEditSecurityNone |
2 |
fpListEditSecurityOnlyOwn |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpListReadSecurityAll |
0 |
fpListReadSecurityOnlyOwn |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpListTypeBasicList |
0 |
fpListTypeDiscussion |
3 |
fpListTypeDocumentLibrary |
2 |
fpListTypeSurvey |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpNumberFieldAuto |
-1 |
fpNumberFieldFiveDecimals |
5 |
fpNumberFieldFourDecimals |
4 |
fpNumberFieldInteger |
0 |
fpNumberFieldOneDecimal |
1 |
fpNumberFieldThreeDecimals |
3 |
fpNumberFieldTwoDecimals |
2 |
Constant |
Value |
fpNeverOpen |
4 |
fpOpenAsCount |
5 |
fpOpenAsCSS |
1 |
fpOpenAsHTML |
0 |
fpOpenAsNotApplicable |
-1 |
fpOpenAsText |
2 |
fpOpenAsXml |
3 |
Constant |
Value |
fpHtmlOptAdjacentTags |
64 |
fpHtmlOptAuthorComponents |
8 |
fpHtmlOptBots |
8 |
fpHtmlOptBrowseComponents |
131072 |
fpHtmlOptCellFormattingAttr |
256 |
fpHtmlOptDreamWeaver |
2 |
fpHtmlOptDwtCmnts |
1024 |
fpHtmlOptEmpty |
32 |
fpHtmlOptGenerator |
16 |
fpHtmlOptHTMLAllWhitespace |
16384 |
fpHtmlOptHTMLCmnts |
4096 |
fpHtmlOptHTMLLeadWhitespace |
8192 |
fpHtmlOptHTMLMisnest |
32768 |
fpHtmlOptOn |
-2147483648 |
fpHtmlOptScriptCmnts |
2048 |
fpHtmlOptThemes |
4 |
fpHtmlOptTrcImageAttr |
512 |
fpHtmlOptUnusedStyles |
65536 |
fpHtmlOptVMLGraphics |
128 |
fpHtmlOptWordHTML |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpPageViewDefault |
0 |
fpPageViewHtml |
2 |
fpPageViewInBetween |
512 |
fpPageViewInvalid |
-1 |
fpPageViewNoFrames |
4 |
fpPageViewNormal |
1 |
fpPageViewNoWindow |
128 |
fpPageViewPreview |
8 |
fpPageViewPrintPreview |
256 |
fpPageViewSplit |
16 |
fpPageViewText |
32 |
fpPageViewXml |
64 |
Constant |
Value |
fpPkgFileConflictMask |
15 |
fpPkgListConflictMask |
240 |
fpPkgOnConflictSkip |
17 |
fpPkgOnConflictStop |
0 |
fpPkgOnFileConflictOverwrite |
2 |
fpPkgOnFileConflictSkip |
1 |
fpPkgOnFileConflictStop |
0 |
fpPkgOnListConflictMergeOrRename |
64 |
fpPkgOnListConflictMergeOrSkip |
48 |
fpPkgOnListConflictMergeOrStop |
32 |
fpPkgOnListConflictRename |
80 |
fpPkgOnListConflictSkip |
16 |
fpPkgOnListConflictStop |
0 |
Constant |
Value |
fpPkgImportCancelled |
2 |
fpPkgImportComplete |
0 |
fpPkgImportErrorInPackage |
3 |
fpPkgImportFailed |
1 |
fpPkgImportNotTrusted |
5 |
fpPkgImportServerNotSupported |
6 |
fpPkgImportStopped |
4 |
Constant |
Value |
fpPkgTrustAll |
1 |
fpPkgTrustCertificateStore |
2 |
Constant |
Value |
fpSearchFindTag |
3 |
fpSearchFindText |
0 |
fpSearchReplaceAllText |
2 |
fpSearchReplaceText |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpSearchIgnoreWhitespace |
4 |
fpSearchMatchAlef |
128 |
fpSearchMatchCase |
1 |
fpSearchMatchDiacritics |
64 |
fpSearchMatchKashida |
32 |
fpSearchRegExp |
8 |
fpSearchReviseHangul |
256 |
fpSearchWholeWord |
2 |
Constant |
Value |
_fpBorderNone |
0 |
fpBorderAll |
255 |
fpBorderBottom |
8 |
fpBorderLeft |
2 |
fpBorderRight |
4 |
fpBorderTop |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpStructBaseOnSibling |
0 |
fpStructLeftmostChild |
1 |
fpStructRightmostChild |
2 |
Constant |
Value |
fpThemeActiveGraphics |
16 |
fpThemeBackgroundImage |
1 |
fpThemeCSS |
4096 |
fpThemeDefaultSettings |
16777216 |
fpThemeName |
33554432 |
fpThemeNoBackgroundImage |
0 |
fpThemeNoCSS |
0 |
fpThemeNormalColors |
0 |
fpThemeNormalGraphics |
0 |
fpThemePropertiesAll |
4369 |
fpThemePropertiesNone |
0 |
fpThemeVividColors |
256 |
Constant |
Value |
fpURLComponentBookmark |
256 |
fpURLComponentFileExtension |
128 |
fpURLComponentFileName |
64 |
fpURLComponentPassword |
4 |
fpURLComponentPath |
32 |
fpURLComponentPort |
16 |
fpURLComponentQuery |
512 |
fpURLComponentScheme |
1 |
fpURLComponentServer |
8 |
fpURLComponentUserName |
2 |
Constant |
Value |
fpURLFieldImage |
1 |
fpURLFieldLink |
0 |
Constant |
Value |
fpDeleteEntireWeb |
0 |
fpDeleteFrontPageInfoFromWeb |
1 |
Constant |
Value |
fpOpenInWindow |
0 |
fpOpenNoWindow |
2 |
Constant |
Value |
fpPublishAddToExistingWeb |
2 |
fpPublishCopyAllFiles |
64 |
fpPublishCopySubwebs |
4 |
fpPublishIncremental |
1 |
fpPublishLogInTempDir |
8 |
fpPublishNoDeleteUnmatched |
16 |
fpPublishNone |
0 |
fpPublishRemoteToLocal |
128 |
fpPublishSynchronize |
256 |
fpPublishUseLastPublishTime |
32 |
fpPublishUsingDav |
512 |
fpPublishUsingPassiveFtp |
1024 |
Constant |
Value |
fpWebSubViewFolders |
1 |
fpWebSubViewNavigation |
2 |
fpWebSubViewNone |
0 |
Constant |
Value |
fpWebViewAllFiles |
4 |
fpWebViewBrokenLinks |
6 |
fpWebViewFolders |
1 |
fpWebViewLinks |
0 |
fpWebViewPage |
3 |
fpWebViewRemoteSite |
8 |
fpWebViewSiteSummary |
7 |
fpWebViewStructure |
2 |
fpWebViewTodo |
5 |
Constant |
Value |
fpWebViewExAccessibility |
37 |
fpWebViewExAllFiles |
4 |
fpWebViewExAssignedTo |
13 |
fpWebViewExBrokenLinks |
6 |
fpWebViewExBrowserTypes |
29 |
fpWebViewExCategories |
17 |
fpWebViewExCheckoutStatus |
16 |
fpWebViewExComponentErrors |
18 |
fpWebViewExCSSLinks |
33 |
fpWebViewExDailyPageHits |
19 |
fpWebViewExDailySummary |
22 |
fpWebViewExFolders |
1 |
fpWebViewExLinks |
0 |
fpWebViewExMasterPages |
32 |
fpWebViewExMonthlyPageHits |
21 |
fpWebViewExMonthlySummary |
24 |
fpWebViewExNavigation |
2 |
fpWebViewExOlderFiles |
8 |
fpWebViewExOsTypes |
28 |
fpWebViewExPage |
3 |
fpWebViewExPublishStatus |
15 |
fpWebViewExRecentlyAddedFiles |
9 |
fpWebViewExRecentlyChangedFiles |
10 |
fpWebViewExReferringDomains |
25 |
fpWebViewExReferringURLs |
26 |
fpWebViewExRemoteSite |
34 |
fpWebViewExReviewStatus |
14 |
fpWebViewExSearchStrings |
27 |
fpWebViewExSharedBorders |
36 |
fpWebViewExSiteSummary |
7 |
fpWebViewExSlowPages |
11 |
fpWebViewExThemes |
35 |
fpWebViewExTodo |
5 |
fpWebViewExUnlinkedFiles |
12 |
fpWebViewExUsageSummary |
31 |
fpWebViewExVisitingUsers |
30 |
fpWebViewExWeeklyPageHits |
20 |
fpWebViewExWeeklySummary |
23 |
Constant |
Value |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |