IHTMLTableSection Object

Represents the THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY elements inside of a TABLE element in an HTML document. The IHTMLTableSection object provides access to a limited number of properties and methods related to the THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY elements. For access to all properties and methods, use the FPHTMLTableSection object.
Using the IHTMLTableSection object
Use the tHead property of the IHTMLTable object to return an IHTMLTableSection object that represents the THEAD element for a table. The following example accesses the THEAD element for the first table in the active document.
Dim objTable As IHTMLTable
Dim objTHead As IHTMLTableSection
Set objTable = ActiveDocument.all.tags("table").Item(0)
Set objTHead = objTable.tHead
Use the createTHead method of the IHTMLTable object to add a THEAD element. Use the deleteTHead method of the FPHTMLTable object to remove a THEAD element.
Use the tFoot property of the IHTMLTable object to return an IHTMLTableSection object that represents the TFOOT element for a table. The following example accesses the TFOOT element for the first table in the active document.
Dim objTable As IHTMLTable
Dim objTHead As IHTMLTableSection
Set objTable = ActiveDocument.all.tags("table").Item(0)
Set objTHead = objTable.tFoot
Use the createTFoot method of the IHTMLTable object to add a TFOOT element. Use the deleteTFoot method of the IHTMLTable object to remove a TFOOT element.