inRange Method

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

object specified in the range argument is contained in the original range.


expression    Required. An expression that returns an IHTMLTxtRange object.

range    Required IHTMLTxtRange object.


The following example takes an IHTMLTxtRange object, and then returns True if the current selection is contained within the specified IHTMLTxtRange or returns False if the current selection isn't contained within the specified IHTMLTxtRange.

Function IsInRange(objRange As IHTMLTxtRange) As Boolean
    Dim objSelection As IHTMLTxtRange

    Set objSelection = ActiveDocument.Selection.createRange

    If objRange.inRange(objSelection) = False Then
        IsInRange = False
        IsInRange = True
    End If
End Function

Use the following example to call the preceding function.

Sub CallIsInRange()
    Dim objRange As IHTMLTxtRange
    Set objRange = ActiveDocument.body.createTextRange
    MsgBox IsInRange(objRange)
End Sub