insertLayoutCell Method

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

insertLayoutCell Method

Inserts a layout cell into a layout table at the insertion point.

expression.insertLayoutCell(iWidth, iHeight, szType, szLocation)

expression    Required. An expression that returns an FPLayoutTablesAndCells collection.

iWidth    Required Integer. Specifies the width of the cell.

iHeight    Required Integer. Specifies the height of the cell.

szType    Required String. Specifies the type of cell. Can be one of the following String values: "horizonal", "vertical", or "inline".

szLocation    Required String. Specifies where to insert the cell in relation to the insertion point. Can be one of the following String values: "before", "after", or "wrap".


The following example inserts a layout cell into a cell formatting table. This example assumes that the cell formatting table exists.

    ActiveDocument.layoutTablesAndCells _
    .insertLayoutCell 200, 200, "inline", "wrap"