FPHTMLBGsound Object

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

FPHTMLBGsound Object

FPHTMLBGsound Multiple objects

Represents the BGSOUND element in an HTML document. The BGSOUND element plays a sound file in the background when a document is loaded into a browser. Use the FPHTMLBGsound object to specify the location of an audio file and looping characteristics of the background sound. See also the IHTMLBGsound object.

Using the FPHTMLBGsound object

Use the Item method to return an FPHTMLBGsound object. The following example inserts the BGSOUND element into the specified document and sets the src and loop attributes according to the values passed into the function.

    Function InsertBGSound(objdoc As FPHTMLDocument, strSRC As String, _
        Optional intLoops As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim objBGSound As FPHTMLBGsound
    Dim intNumber As Integer
    Dim objHead As IHTMLElement
    On Error GoTo InsertBGSoundError
    intNumber = objdoc.body.all.Length
    Set objHead = objdoc.all.tags("head").Item(0)
    objHead.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeend", _
        "<BGSOUND id=""bgsound" & intNumber & """>"
    Set objBGSound = objdoc.all.tags("bgsound") _
        .Item(CVar("bgsound" & intNumber))
    With objBGSound
        .src = strSRC
        If intLoops <> 0 Then
            .loop = intLoops
            .loop = "infinite"
        End If
    End With
    InsertBGSound = True
    Exit Function
    InsertBGSound = False
    GoTo ExitFunction
End Function

Use the following example to call the preceding function. This example assumes that you have a sound file called "song.avi" in your Web site in a subfolder called "Sounds." To see the BGSOUND element as it would function in a browser, replace the String "../sounds/song.avi" with the path and filename of a valid sound file in your Web site.

    Sub CallInsertBGSound()
    MsgBox InsertBGSound(ActiveDocument, "../sounds/song.avi", 5)
End Sub