pageBreakBefore Property

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

pageBreakBefore Property

Sets or returns a String that represents whether a page break occurs before the element when the document is printed. Corresponds to the page-break-before attribute for a cascading style sheet.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The pageBreakBefore property can be one of the following String values:

Value Description
always Always insert a page break before the element.
auto Neither force nor forbid a page break after the element.
[blank] Empty string does not insert a page break.


The following example places a page break before the first paragraph in the active document every time the document is printed.

    Dim objPara As FPHTMLParaElement

Set objPara = ActiveDocument.all.tags("p").Item(0)

objPara.Style.pageBreakBefore = "always"