IFPStyleState Object
Contains information about the styles associated with a given element or text range on the current page. The IFPStyleState object allows you to view and edit any style property associated with a given element. Once style properties are modified, Microsoft FrontPage uses the new style information to render the new text based on the original styles.
Using the IFPStyleState object
Use the CreateStyleState property of the FPHTMLDocument object to create an IFPStyleState object. The following example creates a new IFPStyleState object and stores it in a variable called objSs.
Sub NewStyleState()
'Creates a new style state object
Dim objSs As IFPStyleState
Set objSs = Application.ActiveDocument.createStyleState
End Sub
Use the gather method to associate a style state with a specified element or range. The following example creates an IFPStyleState object, associates it with a text range on the active document, and modifies its properties. The resulting text is rendered with the new styles.
Sub ChangeStyleState()
'Changes the style state of a given text range
Dim objSs As IFPStyleState
Dim objRng As IHTMLTxtRange
Application.ActiveDocument.body.innerHTML = "Hello Style State World"
Set objRng = Application.ActiveDocument.body.createTextRange
Set objSs = Application.ActiveDocument.createStyleState
objSs.gather objRng
objSs.fontWeight = 700
objSs.fontFamily = "arial"
End Sub
Use the Apply method to apply any changes made to the text range or element.