FPHTMLWebPartElement Object

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

FPHTMLWebPartElement Object

FPHTMLWebPartElement Multiple objects

Represents a Web part in an HTML document. See also the IHTMLWebPartElement object.

This object is supported only by Web pages or sites that are based on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.

Using the FPHTMLWebPartElement Object

Use the webParts property of the FPHTMLDocument object to return an IHTMLElementCollection collection that represents a collection of all the Web Parts within a document. Use the Item method to return an FPHTMLWebPartElement object that accesses a specific Web Part, referenced by ordinal number. The following example accesses the first Web Part in the active document.

    Dim objPart As FPHTMLWebPartElement

Set objPart = ActiveDocument.webParts.Item(0)

Use the InsertAdjacentHTML method, as shown in the following example, to insert a Web Part into a document.

    Public Sub InsertWebPart()

    Dim strPageDirective As String
    Dim strRegisterDirective As String
    Dim strWebPart As String
    Dim objWebPart As FPHTMLWebPartElement

    strPageDirective = "<%@ Page Language=""C#"" Debug=""true""%>"

    strRegisterDirective = "<%@ Register TagPrefix=""WebPartPages"" " & _
        "Namespace=""Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages"" " & _
        "Assembly=""Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, " & _
        "Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c""%>"

    ActiveDocument.DocumentHTML = strPageDirective & vbCrLf & _
        strRegisterDirective & vbCrLf & ActiveDocument.DocumentHTML

    strWebPart = "<form runat=""server"">" & vbCrLf & _
        "<WebPartPages:ImageWebPart webpart=""true"" " & _
        "runat=""server"" id=""insertedwebpart"">" & vbCrLf & _
        "</WebPartPages:ImageWebPart>" & vbCrLf & "</form>"

    ActiveDocument.body.insertAdjacentHTML "afterBegin", strWebPart
    Set objWebPart = ActiveDocument.webParts.Item("insertedwebpart")

End Sub