object to the HTML element specified in the element argument.
expression Required. An expression that returns an IHTMLTxtRange object.
element Required IHTMLElement object. The HTML element to which to move the specified IHTMLTxtRange object.
The following example inserts two paragraphs into the active document, and then moves the IHTMLTxtRange object to modify the contents of each paragraph.
Sub MoveToBookmarkMethod()
Dim objRange As IHTMLTxtRange
Dim strBookmark As String
ActiveDocument.body.innerHTML = "<p>Line One</p><p>Line two</p>"
Set objRange = ActiveDocument.body.createTextRange
objRange.moveToElementText ActiveDocument.body.all.tags("p").Item(0)
strBookmark = objRange.getBookmark
With objRange
.moveToElementText ActiveDocument.body.all.tags("p").Item(1)
.Text = "Changed Line 2"
.moveToBookmark strBookmark
.Text = "Changed Line 1"
End With
End Sub