contains Method

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

contains Method

Returns True if the IHTMLElement object specified in the pChild argument is contained within the parent object.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

pChild   Required IHTMLElement object.


Use the contains method to quickly determine whether an element is contained within another element.


The following example uses the contains method to determine if the active element is contained within the expense form and, if it is, inserts a paragraph. This example assumes that the active document has a FORM element named "expense."

    Sub AddParagraphToForm()
    Dim objForm As FPHTMLFormElement

    Set objForm = ActiveDocument.forms.Item("expense")
    If objForm.contains(ActiveDocument.activeElement) Then
        ActiveDocument.activeElement.insertAdjacentHTML _
            "beforeend", "<p>This is a paragraph inside of a form.</p>"
    End If
End Sub