bottom Property
Returns or sets an IFPStyleLength object that defines the bottom length of the element. Read/write.
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
The following example creates a new IFPStyleState object and sets the value and units properties of its associated IFPStyleLength object.
Sub SetStyleLength()
Dim objSS As IFPStyleState
Dim objDoc As FPHTMLDocument
Dim objRng As IHTMLTxtRange
Dim objSL As IFPStyleLength
Set objDoc = Application.ActiveDocument
objDoc.body.innerHTML = "<b>Heading 1</b>"
Set objSS = objDoc.createStyleState
Set objRng = objDoc.body.createTextRange
objSS.gather objRng
Set objSL = objSS.bottom
objSL.units = fpLengthUnitsPT
objSL.Value = 4
objSS.bottom = objSL
End Sub