propertyCount Property

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

propertyCount Property

Returns an Integer that represents the number of style properties associated with the current element or text range.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example displays the number of properties associated with a given text range.

Sub DisplayPropertyNumber()
    Dim objSs As IFPStyleState
    Dim objDoc As FPHTMLDocument
    Dim objRng As IHTMLTxtRange
    Set objDoc = Application.ActiveDocument
    objDoc.body.innerHTML = "<i><b>Heading 1</b></i>"
    Set objSs = objDoc.createStyleState
    Set objRng = objDoc.body.createTextRange
    objSs.gather objRng
    objSs.setProperty "background-color", vbBlue
    MsgBox "The total number of properties available is:  " _
        & objSs.propertyCount
End Sub