complete Property

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

complete Property

Returns a Boolean that represents whether a specified object is fully loaded.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example inserts an image into the active document and then displays a message specifying whether the image file is fully loaded. This example assumes that you have a folder called "images" with an image file called "sun.gif."

    Sub IsImageLoaded()
    Dim objImage As FPHTMLImg
    ActiveDocument.body.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeend", _
        "<img id=""newimage"" src=""images/sun.gif"">"
    Set objImage = ActiveDocument.all.tags("img").Item("newimage")
    If objImage.complete = False Then
        MsgBox "Please wait until the image is fully loaded."
        MsgBox "Thank you for waiting.  The image is now loaded."
    End If

End Sub