clearRight Property
Returns or sets a Boolean that determines which sides of an element's box or boxes may not be adjacent to an earlier floating box. Read/write.
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
Use the clearLeft property to clear the right side of a table cell.
The following example creates a table and then sets the clearRight property of the cell on the left hand side of the table. As a result, the right hand side of the table adjacent to the cell will be empty.
Sub ClearRightSide()
Dim objSS As IFPStyleState
Dim objLine1 As IHTMLElement
Dim objLine2 As IHTMLElement
Dim strHTML As String
strHTML = "<table><tr><td><h1>This is line 1</h1></td>" _
& "<td>This is line 2</td></tr></table>"
With ActiveDocument
.body.innerHTML = strHTML
Set objLine1 = .all.tags("td").Item(0)
Set objLine2 = .all.tags("td").Item(1)
Set objSS = .createStyleState
End With
With objSS
.GatherFromElement objLine2
.clearRight = True
.textDecorationUnderline = True
End With
End Sub