onmouseout Event

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

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onmouseout Event

Occurs when a user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of an element when a page is displayed in Design view in Microsoft FrontPage.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list, which has been declared using the WithEvents keyword in a class module.


The following example trails after the mouse pointer and selects the element from which the mouse pointer is moving away. This example must be placed in a class module, and it assumes that you have declared in the General Declarations section of a class module an FPHTMLBody object variable called "objBody" using the WithEvents keyword.

    Private Sub objBody_onmouseout()
    Dim objEvent As IHTMLEventObj
    Dim objRange As IHTMLTxtRange
    Dim objElement As IHTMLElement
    Set objEvent = objBody.Document.parentWindow.event
    Set objElement = objEvent.srcElement
    Set objRange = ActiveDocument.body.createTextRange
    objRange.moveToElementText objElement
End Sub