ncssCite Property
Returns or sets a Boolean that specifies that the range will be enclosed within a CITE element. Cited text normally appears in italics.
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
The following example creates a range of text and uses the ncssCite property to cite the text. The text will now be rendered as bold and italic.
Sub SetCitedText()
'Sets text as cited
Dim objSs As IFPStyleState
Dim objLine1 As IHTMLElement
Dim strHTML As String
strHTML = "This is sample text. <b>This is bold and will be cited.</b>"
Application.ActiveDocument.body.innerHTML = strHTML
Set objLine1 = Application.ActiveDocument.all.tags("B").Item(0)
Set objSs = Application.ActiveDocument.createStyleState
objSs.gatherFromElement objLine1
objSs.ncssCite = True
End Sub