borderLeftStyle Property

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

borderLeftStyle Property

Returns or sets a String that represents the line style of the left border of a specified object.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The String for the borderLeftStyle property can be one of the following values:

none Border is not drawn.
dotted Border is a dotted line on the Macintosh platform with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later, and a solid line on the Microsoft Windows and Unix platforms.
dashed Border is a dashed line on the Macintosh platform with Internet Explorer 4.01 or later, and a solid line on the Windows and Unix platforms.
solid Border is a solid line.
double Border is a double line drawn on top of the background of the object. The sum of the two single lines and the space between equals the value of the borderLeftWidth property. The borderLeftWidth property must be at least 3 pixels wide in order to draw a double border.
groove 3-D groove is drawn in colors based on the value of the border color.
ridge 3-D ridge is drawn in colors based on the value of the border color.
inset 3-D inset is drawn in colors based on the value of the border color.
outset 3-D outset is drawn in colors based on the value of the border color.


The following example sets the color, style, and size for the bottom, left, right, and top borders of the specified IHTMLElement object.

    Sub SetBorders(ByRef objElement As IHTMLElement, ByRef strColor As String, _
        ByRef strStyle As String, ByRef strWidth As String)
    With objElement.Style
        'Sets the bottom border properties.
        .borderBottomColor = strColor
        .borderBottomStyle = strStyle
        .borderBottomWidth = strWidth

        'Sets the left border properties.
        .borderLeftColor = strColor
        .borderLeftStyle = strStyle
        .borderLeftWidth = strWidth

        'Sets the right border properties.
        .borderRightColor = strColor
        .borderRightStyle = strStyle
        .borderRightWidth = strWidth

        'Sets the top border properties.
        .borderTopColor = strColor
        .borderTopStyle = strStyle
        .borderTopWidth = strWidth
    End With
End Sub

Use the following example to call the preceding subroutine.

    Sub CallSetBorders()
    Call SetBorders(objElement:=ActiveDocument.body.all.tags("p") _
        .Item(0), strColor:="blue", strStyle:="dashed", strWidth:="thick")
End Sub