behaviorElement Property

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

behaviorElement Property

Returns an IHTMLElement object that represents the top-most parent element of active selection. Corresponds to the element specified for Scripts on Tag as shown in the Behaviors task pane.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


If the insertion point is in the middle of a P element, the behaviorElement property returns the P element. If a selection spans a few table rows, the behaviorElement property returns the parent TABLE element, since that is the top-most parent element of the selection. If a selection spans the entire document, the behaviorElement property would return the BODY element.


The following example adds a script to the top-most parent element of the active selection in the active document.

    Dim objElement As IHTMLElement

Set objElement = ActiveDocument.behaviorElement

ActiveDocument.addScript objElement, _
    "onclick", "this.innerText=prompt" & _
    "('Please enter your name:', '')"