balance Property
Retrieves an Integer between -10,000 and +10,000 that represents how the volume of the background sound is divided between the left and right speakers.
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
A -10,000 value indicates that all sound is directed to the left speaker. A +10,000 value indicates that all sound is directed to the right speaker. A 0 value indicates that the sound is balanced between the left and right speakers.
The following example creates a BGSOUND element in the specified document, if one doesn't already exist, and formats the src, balance, loop, and volume properties.
Sub InsertSound(ByRef objDoc As FPHTMLDocument, ByRef strSoundFile As String, _
ByRef intBalance As Integer, ByRef intLoop As Integer, _
ByRef intVolume As Integer)
Dim objHead As IHTMLElement
Dim objSound As FPHTMLBGsound
Set objSound = objDoc.all.tags("bgsound").Item(0)
If objSound Is Nothing Then
Set objHead = objDoc.all.tags("head").Item(0)
objHead.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeEnd", "<BGSOUND id=""bgsound"">"
Set objSound = objHead.all.tags("bgsound").Item("bgsound")
End If
With objSound
.src = strSoundFile
.balance = intBalance
.loop = intLoop
.volume = intVolume
End With
End Sub
Use the following example to call the preceding subroutine. This example assumes that you have a sound file named "cashreg.wav" in a folder named "sounds" in the active Web site.
Sub CallInsertSound()
Call InsertSound(objDoc:=ActiveDocument, strSoundFile:="sounds/cashreg.wav", _
intBalance:=0, intLoop:=1, intVolume:=0)
End Sub