Export or link a Datasheet view to Access

Microsoft Datasheet View

  • In the Datasheet view toolbar, click Task Pane to display the Task Pane for the Datasheet view.
  • Click Export to Access.
  • Choose to export the Datasheet to an existing database or a new database and click OK.
  • Microsoft Access prompts you to specify the location of the database and opens a table with the exported data.

    Link a Datasheet view to Access   

    You can link a Datasheet view to Access by creating in Access a linked table with the Datasheet view.

    1. In the Datasheet view toolbar, click Task Pane to display the Task Pane for the Datasheet view.
    2. Click Create a linked table in Access.
    3. Choose to export the Datasheet to an existing database or a new database and click OK.

    Access prompts you to specify the location of the database and opens a linked table with the exported data.

    ShowUpdate Datasheet view with changes in linked table

    ShowUpdate linked table with changes in Datasheet view