Format data in Datasheet view

Microsoft Datasheet View

Format data in Datasheet view

You can format the contents of a column that supports multiple lines of text if the column supports rich HTML text. You can format part of a cell, or one or more cells or columns of this data type.

Note  To enable support for rich HTML text for a column, in the Change Column page, select Yes under Allow rich HTML text.

  1. Select the text or the cells that you want to format.
  2. If the task pane is not open, click Task Pane on the toolbar.
  3. Apply the format you want. You can change font settings, text and background color, and indentation and alignment. You can also organize text into a list of numbered or bulleted items.


  • You can clear rich HTML text formatting by selecting text, then pressing CTRL+Space. However, CTRL+Space does not remove the alignment setting.
  • You cannot format read-only cells or the Total row.
  • Formatting does not apply to rows hidden as a result of a filter.